How One Construction Company leveraged drone technology to make $40,000.

How did a construction company make $40,000 off just one photo? They used Kapchers mapping services over the course of a project and soon understood the amazing return on investment we brought to their workflow. 

Over the course of this project, Kapcher created a real-time high-resolution map of the job sites.

What’s a high-resolution map you might ask? Think of google maps on steroids but of just one specific area, in this case – the job site. The resolution of our maps is so high that you can even see spray paint markings on the ground. When mapped on a regular basis, we create an exact visual representation of the site at that point in time. Something so powerful to a construction company, yet they don’t even know it exists.

So how does a real-time 2D map become so important to a construction company? Well with this case, when it came to crunch time for the client to pay the bills, the builder got a lot of push back for one variation. Unfortunately, this work happened at the very start of the job. The variation involved digging footings through rock, and we all know how painful and expensive that process is. Lucky for them, Kapcher had been documenting the job site on a weekly basis and we had Kapchered (<— see what we did there ?) the exact week the variation work was completed, along with every other stage throughout the project. 

We have all heard of the saying “a picture tells a thousand words” well this picture “spoke thousands of dollars”, $40,000 to be exact. So how and why was this so valuable to the builder? 

You can’t argue with photographic evidence and this one image was the difference between getting paid or not getting paid at all…. 

How could this help you? That’s easy:

Imagine the time saved in just reducing site visits. Trying to resolve a problem on site usually results in coordinating multiple people having to visit site, which is a massive effort, that can take weeks to organise. This often results in a delay in the project. Compare that to having a real time map of the site that, you can reference at any given time to. An issue can now be resolved in a matter of hours and not weeks. 

“If you can document exactly what you’re doing on a regular basis, and have clear, objective, visual proof of what’s exactly going on – it’s like an insurance policy. It’s a tool to manage risk.”

If you don’t believe us have a look for yourself download the image here 

Now… we are all about putting our money where our mouth is. For anyone that read this article, we want to give you a FREE 30min consultation with our team. We will sit down and talk guide you on how you can take full advantage of this amazing technology. 

Book your free consultation HERE

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