Managing Risk – Building Inspection and Management
Asset management in 2020 is a growing industry that is currently on the edge of a number of important shifts that will shape its future. There is a new focus on building long-term portfolios with extensive growth in the market, which has resulted in expected changes to the way assets are managed. We have seen a new wave of investor demands, with increasing pressures from stakeholders to find opportunities to manage building, facilities and other assets more efficiently. This has led to the development of modern technologies that are changing the way the industry operates and providing great value to the building inspections field.
The Goal Of Asset Management
Asset management is a critical component that requires a large amount of time and resources. Their role is to:
- Understand and meet all relevant health, safety and fire safety responsibilities.
- Ensure all plenty and equipment is in safe working order.
- Carry out preventative maintenance on time.
- Provide safe access to all areas of the asset for building inspection
- Be continuously aware of the organisation’s liabilities.
A Reactive Approach
In the past, organisations have had little choice but to take on a reactive approach with their asset management. Due to their need to mitigate the health and safety risk of employees and contractors, they had to balance the acquisition of information with their health and safety responsibilities. Carrying out routine inspections with contractors is not only time-consuming, but also lends itself to a lot of risk. These routine inspections can take several weeks to complete. Organisations need to go through health and safety checks before they can even consider carrying out an inspection.
Given the size of many of these properties being inspected, most times only a sample of data is collected onsite to gauge the entire condition of the property. Naturally, this doesn’t offer the most accurate results and also allows for human error in the process.
A Proactive Approach
The industry is changing rapidly, and one of the most noticeable changes is the integration of new technologies that can accurately provide intelligence on the condition of all aspects of a building or asset. These technologies are providing organisations with the capability to make more informed decisions on asset management and take on a proactive approach. A 2018 survey of more than 400 facilities management professionals by the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) found that more than 75 percent of respondents believed they needed to take a more strategic approach to the management of their asset portfolio and more than 90 percent felt there was a greater need to integrate new technologies into their processes. We’ve even seen how digital technologies are helping property insurance agencies stay proactive.
The Benefits of New Technology in Building Inspection and Management
Using technology offers asset managers a complete overview of the property in question. It takes out the guesswork and the need for taking just a sample of data and provides the most extensive data acquisition possible. On top of this, it also negates the human risks involved, meaning the information can be obtained much more safely and quickly. Any issues found during an inspection can then be monitored and checked again in 6 to 12 months to see if the problem has gotten worse, or not changed at all. This proactive approach saves both time and money and allows for much greater insight into your asset.
Where Kapcher Fits In
Here at Kapcher, we not only utilise the best technology possible, we also streamline the process and ensure you have access to the right technology for the job. While the use of drone technology has been widely adopted throughout the industry, gaining approval to fly UAV right next to an airport, or anywhere within 3NM is not only costly, but also very time-consuming. We offer specialised techniques that allow us to remove all the risk, and doesn’t limit us just to one type of technology. We remove the painful process of having to set everything up, maintaining all the documentation of every flight, dealing with airspace clearances and approvals. We take on these painful processes that would otherwise cost you time and money, to offer a smooth and hassle-free process. Whether it’s a high rise inspection or a facade inspection, Kapcher brings excellence and expertise to the task.
If you are looking to take on a proactive approach with your asset management, then get in touch. We would be more than happy to talk to you about how we can help you.